
Meet our wonderful team!
Colm Massey
Colm Massey, Co-Director, Technical Lead - Colm is a father of two, a digital tool maker and animation industry veteran, with a long term interest in alternative economics.
Kate Swade
Kate Swade, Co-Director - Kate is a director of Digital Commons, and is the resident...
Lynne Davis
Lynne Davis, Product Lead - Lynne has worked in building digital systems for over 15 years...
Nick Stokoe
Nick Stokoe, Full-Stack Developer, Code-Operative - To finance his fast-moving lifestyle, Nick makes a living persuading computers to do useful things for the Digital Commons.
Rohit Gupta
Rohit Gupta, Software Engineer, Code-Operative - Rohit is a freelance developer working on Land Explorer at the...
Samanthi Theminimulle
Samanthi Theminimulle - Samanthi is a researcher and facilitator who works on housing, social-spatial inequalities and the neighbourhood as a collective for change