What we do
We work alongside clients and movements to understand their challenges and scope and deliver the right kind of technical solutions for them.

Recent projects include:
Data for Housing Justice - Phase 1
Funded by the Oak Foundation we led a successful project working with activists and organisers to better understand the data and digital needs of the movement for housing justice.
Data for Housing Justice - Phase 2
Phase 2 of this project will involve developing Land Explorer to implement some of the features and functionality that was identified in our learning from phase 1. Partnering with Share Assets we will also conduct deep dives with housing activist groups to use tech to help build their organising power, and conduct a peer learning project on data governance.
Data for Community Assets
Also with Shared Assets, we are the tech partner for the Data for Community Assets project. This project has involved meeting with organisers bringing assets into community ownership to better understand our data and digital tools can support them.
Cooperative World Map
In partnership with DotCooperation and the International Cooperative Alliance we are developing the largest map of cooperatives in the world for the 2025 Year of the Cooperative. We also provide maps for the ICA and DotCooperation member directories.
Owned by Oxford and Oxfordshire Connects
We were the digital mapping partner on these two projects. Owned by Oxford is seeking to build a community-led economy in Oxford, and we made this map to support the project. Evolving from this, in 23/24 the Oxfordshire Connects project explored ways to develop and improve the community tech that is available to Oxfordshire’s social action organisations in order to help them achieve their missions - you can read the report of this here.
Social Farms & Gardens in Wales
Working with Social Farms & Gardens we have created layers in Land Explorer to locate a range of allotment and community growing spaces across Wales. A key goal of the project was to make data such as location and area publicly accessible and exportable in formats appropriate for local authorities.
We were delighted to work with the new federation of worker-owned cooperatives to create a map of all known worker and self employee owned coops.